It appears that we have more and more Dynamics NAV conference content each year. Here's the list of Dynamics NAV/365/Business Central related conferences for the year 2018.
March 15-16, Bangkok, Thailand
Continuing from the last year, Directions conference will be have a dedicated event for the Asia region. This will be a first chance to take a look at the new features being released with full cloud version of NAV, code name "Tenerife".
March 21-22, Dubrovnik, Croatia
eXtreme365 conferences are where the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Intelligent Cloud Community forges relationships, gains real-world knowledge and dives deep into current and future Microsoft technologies.
April 24-26, Dublin, Ireland
Summit EMEA is the User Group conference that brings Microsoft Dynamics 365, AX and CRM users, industry experts and software development vendors together to discuss important issues, to learn about product updates, and to find genuine solutions that suit your business needs.
September 30 - October 3, San Diego, CA, United States
The US twin-conference of Directions.
September, TBC, United States
Microsoft Convergence is Now Microsoft Envision. A conference covering all Microsoft business solutions, including Dynamics NAV. For partners and customers, business owners and indiduals users, this is the most versatile Microsoft business solutions event.
October 31 – November 2,The Hague, Netherlands
This is arguably the main NAV partner focused conference, catering for all parts of community, from the project managers and sales people to consultants and developers.
Directions EMEA is going to be held in the historic city of The Hauge this year, and yet again, we are expecting another record number of attendees.
November 22-23, Antwerp, Belgium
If marketing slides are not for you, yet you are excited about the great things under the hood of the product, look no further.
For all of you NAV techies out there, this is the conference to attend. Organised by the people behind - one of the largest NAV communities online and aimed for the technical part of the community. The conference broke 1000 number of attendees in 2016.
Mark down the dates in your calendars, we will see you there!
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