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Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Outsourcing


Are you...

  • In need of a little extra muscle to finish up your delivery?
  • Converting your add-on to an Extension 2.0?
  • Covering increased Dynamics NAV/365 support load?

Let our team of senior Dynamics NAV/365 specialists help! We provide outsourcing services to Microsoft Dynamics NAV/365 partners around the world.

We have the time and real world tested outsourcing workflow in place. The collaboration is governed by a range of formal management processes and deliverables:

  • Project kick-off and delivery meetings
  • Responsibility framework with clear feature ownership and documentation standards
  • Weekly project status reports and meetings, via e-mail and conference calls
  • Web-based support system for timely issue identification and resolution

Choose your own level of involvement - our team can take over parts or all processes within the project cycle. 

Solution Design and Development 

From one time modifications to full-fledged Dynamics NAV/365 add-ons or extensions, we can help you design your solution according to Microsoft Dynamics NAV design guidelines and the best of real world practices. Our certified development team is proficient with all NAV versions starting from the decades old classic Navision version 2.x up to the latest Dynamics NAV/365 cloud and on premises releases.


Looking to implement a new ERP system? Look no more - we are offering a one stop implementation solution, including gap-fit analysis, hardware recommendation, and after delivery support. 


Free up your development team for the next big challenge - having dedicated resources for support ensures that your main development team keeps on schedule with the new projects.

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