Upgrades Conferences Trainings

Dynamics NAV 2016 Released

NAV 2016












Today, during the keynote of Directions EMEA 2015 partner conference Microsoft has announced the official release of Dynamics NAV 2016.

The latest addition to the Dynamics NAV product familty brings numerous exciting features on the application and platform side.

Conference Season of 2015

A new year has rolled around and we have already a number of Dynamics NAV related conferences confirmed. Here they are, in the chronological order.

Mainstream Support for NAV 2009 Ends

Mainstream support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 ends as of January 13, 2015. This includes service pack and intermediate versions - 2009 SP1 and 2009 R2. Customers who are on an active service plan will continue to get access to support, but for everyone else, this is the end of the product lifetime.

NAV 2015 What's New - Technical Workshop

Good news, everyone - we have the "NAV 2015 What's New - Technical" workshop content ready.

In line with our previous workshops on NAV 2013, 2013 R2 and 2009, it will give you a crash course on platform, administration and development environment changes in the latest incarnation of NAV.

NAV 2015 General Availability

Annoucing Dynamics NAV 2015

Yesterday, on September 14th, Microsoft has presented Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 to partner representatives at Directions US. The general availability of new Dynamics NAV version, previously known as NAV "Crete" will be October 1st, 2014. This is a major product release and the focus is divided into three areas:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Upgrade - Customer Survey

Microsoft has put up a customer oriented survey on CustomerSource to collect information on the upgrade situation across companies that have NAV implemented. To quote Microsoft:

NAV 2013 / 2013 R2 - What's New Workshops

Our "NAV 2013 What's New" workshops have just been updated with R2 content. To learn where you can join an upcoming class, please contact PDC at our training partner, 1ClickFactory.

Directions EMEA 2014

Direction EMEA logo

Directions EMEA, an NAV focused conference for Microsoft partners and ISVs this year will held on 8-10th October, 2014 in Poznan, Poland.

This is the event to get an insight on all things NAV - broaden the application and technical knowledge, network with partners, ISVs and other channel professionals - get to know the NAV community. The event has grown from a first US only conference in 2005 to the huge sold out conferences in the last couple of years and the trend will likely continue with Directions EMEA 2014 in Poznan.


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