Our vision is that no person should be doing the work that the software and machines can do for him. In each and every IT solution that we design, upgrade, implement or support, we are trying to identify the steps and processes that should be taken away from people, so that they would be able to concentrate on more creative tasks.
To put it into one sentence, our mission is: Making Technology Serve the People.
In all our work, we strive to provide our partners and customers with a premium level of service, no matter how small the request is. This is reflected in our values.
Quality over quantity, one might say. This is a view on accomplishing things that we believe should be applied in IT industry more than it currently is. In the canonical example of choosing between time, cost and quality, we do not compromise on the last one.
Imagine a restaurant that brings you wet towels before dinner and always lights a candle. We are aiming to replicate the experience in the software project world.
We are commited to openly communicate with our partners and customers. If we think something went great, we will tell you that. If we think that some idea is junk and should be trashed, we will tell you that. Oh, did we just write "junk" and "trash" on our values list?
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