With the release of Dynamics NAV 2018, a new extension model most commonly refered to as "Extensions 2.0" was introduced. This model is building upon series of Dynamics NAV/365 platform improvements, such as eventing and the modern development environment based on Visual Studio Code. The introduction of Extensions 2.0 vastly improves on the previous version of extensibility, making Dynamics NAV 2018 extension framework much more robust and future proof. In addition to these improvements, you also get benefits of modularity and easier solution upgrades. If you have not tried to package you solution as an extension before, now is the time.
Our team has been working with the new extension model since the early preview releases and is closely familiar with its capabilities and limitations. We can help you with transition to developing add-ons as extensions by providing coaching, development resources and extension release process assitance.
Do you want to convert an existing Dynamics NAV add-on to an Extension 2.0? We can:
Do you have an idea for a new extension for Dynamics NAV/365/Business Central? We can:
Do you have your extension almost ready and need guidance with publishing it on AppSource? We can:
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