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We are charging ahead with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Will you come with us?

Are you coming to Directions NA 2018 in Dan Diego on October 30th?

B3 Technologies team will be represented at Directions North America 2018 by our Managing Partner, Vytenis Jakas.

We will be presenting two sessions:

Dynamics NAV and Source Control for Beginners: Let’s Pull This Off

Code source control is something that is still very alien to most of Dynamics NAV/365 developers. People working with the product since it was called Navision are used to having their own development databases locally and changes being passed around as binary fob files. Some partners did use central development databases or even had in-house solutions for change management and version control, but these were always limited by the classic development environment itself. Enter Visual Studio Code as a development environment. In here, Git source control is a first class citizen, built into IDE itself. With this, you no longer have an excuse to not use source control.

You might have already seen one or more presentations on using source control with Dynamics NAV. What we would like to do with this session, is to take a step back and introduce it to NAV developers who are new to this and have no idea what pull/merge/push/commit means.

We will cover:

  1. The basic terms: repository, branch, commit
  2. Choosing where to host your repositories
  3. Setting up source control
  4. Source control actions: pull, push, fetch, merge
  5. Using source control in your Dynamics NAV/365 development workflow

Using New Variable Types in Dynamics NAV 2018/365/BC Instead of .NET Interop

When you start developing Extensions 2.0 for NAV 2018 and Dynamics 365 Business Central you are losing one powerful feature of Dynamics NAV C/AL - .NET interoperability. It is still allowed for on-premises solutions, but if you are serious about converting your add-ons to Extensions 2.0 and publishing them on AppSource, that is not an option. Luckily, Microsoft has done the research on what.NET interop was used for in the partner solutions and has introduced a number of new AL variable types and base application additions to cover the functionality gap that appears when you take .NET interop away.

We will cover:

  1. Overview of the new types introduced in AL for XML, JSON and text handling
  2. Examples of usage and converting your older code to use the new native types
  3. Base application additions that can be leveraged in your extensions
  4. What to do if the new types just are not enough: Microsoft C/AL Open Library, Azure functions, external web services

Meet us at Directions NA 2018

In addition to attending our sessions, you can request a meeting with us to discuss:

  • Developing apps for Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Our professional services for Dynamics NAV/365/BC upgrades and development outsourcing
  • Converting your add-ons and vertical solutions to Extensions 2.0 for rapid deployment
  • and more!..

Sounds interesting? Contact us at and arrange a meeting with our team member during the conference.


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